
Monday, 18 February 2013

Lionel Beyeke Biceps Workout

Lionel Beyeke

The is what IFBB pro Lionel Beyeke packed onto his frame heading into the 2011 contest season; not a guy who never trained before, not a guy with no concept of nutrition, but a 225-pound pro.

If he had room to grow, then you do, too, and we've got the plan for your next growth spurt.This isn't about some crazy new training technique, cutting-edge supplement or revolutionary diet. Those aren't what Beyeke got when he called on leading industry trainer/nutritionist Hany Rambod. Instead, he got a prescription for hard work and the knowledge to grow.
And we're going to share it with you. Rambod takes you back to basics, and then teaches you how to change the program along the way because change is what will keep your body growing. We can't promise you'll put on 30 pounds every year, but if you learn this program, the results will be your first
growth spurt of many to come.

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